Saturday, January 1, 2011

Hello 2011

Who knew?
First a note about ringing out the old.
I had an unplanned day off yesterday and I used it to clear out the old.
I boxed up at least 10 if not more clothes and house hold items and got them
to St.Vincent de Paul in two loads. Freeing, that was the experience. Then
I was invited to dinner with my sweetums. In our little town of approx 70 thousand
there are established restaurants and new start ups. We both read on Thursday that
one of the new ones featured an opera singer with dinner for New Years' Eve. That
sounded unlike anything we had done and it was 3 blocks from our house. The closest
thing we had ever done like this was listening to a operetta on the street corner outside
a restaurant in San Francisco. Not only were we entertained but visited at our table
by this lovely singer. She will be singing near Stanford in February and we will be
opera goers then. What a great way to go out with the old and bring in the new.
Today Sweetums, who makes the best tea in the whole world. His recipe is boil water
and put the tea bag in the cup and pour the water over the tea bag. He never
fills the cup too much. It's delicious every time. Well he made me a cup this morning,
lovely. Oh, back to ringing out the old. I actually got 6 quilts done this year and gave
4 away. That freeing too. Must do more of that this year. Giving is a gift in itself. I'm
hoping for an abundant heart this year as I have read giving is a gift of an abundant heart.
I also know that my spirit of adventure is up and am planning flying and travel. I have
had my feet planted on the ground for a while and flying sounds like a way to go in the
new year. The first time I flew, I was 7. I explored every inch of that plane and was
amazed that flying felt like sitting still. Languages a must, brush up on languages.
That's it for the new year the operative words are
abundant heart
Happy to the New Year
Sew love wherever you go.
Quilt Enthusiast

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