Tuesday, June 16, 2009


Yesterday I made madeline cookies for the second time. DD and I bought the madeline cookie pan at the city wide garage sale
May 16. This weekend I made the first batch. Eaten in no time. Yesterday I made the second batch and substituted honey for
sugar. I would not recommend this. Instead of light and airy they were heavvvvy. Then I added fresh lavender. Next time I will
make them with sugar and serve the honey on the side with the lavendar in a very small flower vase on the serving tray. Might
I say this batch is taking 2 days to consume instead of less-than-a few minutes for the first batch. But if one does not experiment one never knows how these things will change the product and consumption.

Now for the quilting being done. What I will say is 1-1/2 inch HST's are another experiment. At some point I know I will begin to
enjoy the process but for me this is not the potatoe chip of my quilt world.

Good nite and sweet dreams
